Referências: |
NASCHIE, M. S. "Stress, Stability and Chaos in Structural Engineering: An Energy Approach", McGraw-Hill International Editions, Civil Engineering Series, 1992. BAZANT, Z. P. and CEDOLIN, L. "Stability of Structures- Elastic, Inelastic, Fracture and Damage Theories", Oxford University Press. Inc., 1991. THOMPSON, J. M. and HUNT, G. W. "A General Theory of Elastic Stability", John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1973. THOMPSON, J. M. and HUNT, G. W. "Elastic Instability Phenomena", John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1984. TIMOSHENKO, S. P. and GERE, J. M. "Theory of Elastic Stability", 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill Book Company, Ltda, New York, 1961. ZIEGLER, H. "Principles of Structural Stability", Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1968