Referências: |
Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders in small animal practice . 4th ed. Edited by SP DiBartola . Elsevier Saunders , St Louis , 2012 . 1520 pages FIELDING, CL; MAGDESIAN K.G. Equine Fluid Therapy John Wiley & Sons, 384 p., 2014. GAW, A.; et al. Clinical biochemistry: an illustrated colour text, 5th jaypee, 2013. MARSHALL, W.J.; et al. Clinical Biochemistry: Metabolic and Clinical Aspects, 3rd Edition Churchill Livingstone, 2014. 976 p. MAZZAFERRO, E. Small Animal Fluid Therapy, Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders 192 p, hardback, CRC Press. 2013. ROSSEL, K.E.; ROUSSEL, A.J. Evaluation of the ruminant serum chemistry profile. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, v.23, n.3, p. 406-426, 2007. |