Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 15/12/2022
TIME: 20:00
Sexual propagation and effect of hydrogen cyanamide associated with defoliation on flowering induction of Annona macroprophyllata Donn.


Annona, papausa, propagation, seeds, dormex

PAGES: 110
BIG AREA: Ciências Agrárias
AREA: Agronomia
SUBÁREA: Fitotecnia
SPECIALTY: Produção de Mudas
Annonaceae comprises approximately 50 genera, Annona, Rollinia and Asimina, producing edible fruits, but the first two are of commercial importance. The largest Annona species are found in South America and Central America. Mexico is known as the center of origin of Annona longifolia and Annona longipes. In the southeastern region of Mexico and Guatemala we find Annona macroprophyllata Donn. The fruits of the custard apples are classified as climacteric, the papausa fruit weighs between 500 and 900 grams, the stern can be up to 50% of the fruit, it has a pleasant flavor and consistency on the palate. The greatest demand for this fruit is in natura, and that factors such as state of maturity at harvest time, incidence of rot and high metabolism, significantly limit its shelf life under environmental conditions. Papausa propagation is usually done sexually through seeds. Although the most common, this method of propagation is not recommended. Knowing the germination power of seeds is fundamental in all production, not only to be sure of their condition, but also to calculate the amount to be used on the surface and better determine the best sowing time. The impermeability and dormancy of the seeds naturally protect them and provide survival conditions for their establishment and development in inappropriate times. The sensitivity of the seeds allows them to wake up automatically when environmental conditions are right. According to the Seed Analysis Rules-RAS (Brasil, 1992), the substrate is fundamental for the germination result, as its physical properties can influence the availability of water, light, oxygen and temperature that the seed will withstand. It is important to know which substrate is compatible with the requirements of the seed, therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate different types of substrates for the germination tests of the seeds of substrates, in order to obtain the best results of germination of the white papausa seeds. it's pink. The results obtained in this work show that the best substrate that presents the adequate conditions for a good germination, which are good aeration, water retention, light and temperature for a good development of the seeds was the vermiculite of medium granules with an 80% for the white variety and 48% for the pink variety.

Presidente - 1120584 - EURICO EDUARDO PINTO DE LEMOS
Interno(a) - 1161764 - LEILA DE PAULA REZENDE
Externo(a) à Instituição - JOSÉ DAILSON SILVA DE OLIVEIRA
Notícia cadastrada em: 15/12/2022 20:49
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