Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 31/03/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Google-meet

CHALLENGES OF THE UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCE FOR INDIGENOUS STUDENTS IN PUBLIC UNIVERSITY: (dis)encounters between ancestral knowledge and academic knowledge

Indigenous graduate students. University challenges. Knowledge and experiences. Biographical research

PAGES: 118
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação
SUBÁREA: Tópicos Específicos de Educação
SPECIALTY: Educação em Periferias Urbanas

This research study "Challenges of the university experience for indigenous students and graduates of public universities: (dis)encounters between ancestral knowledge and academic knowledge" aims to identify the challenges that indigenous students and graduates experienced at university, especially in relation to the dialogues established between ancestral knowledge and academic knowledge. With regard to the experiences and university knowledge that students build in their life and training in other social spaces, Hernández (2017) corroborates that there may be conflicts and resistance in the academic relationship, i.e., dialogue needs to be the core that substantiates conflicts and social relations. Methodologically, this is a qualitative research with the documentary study, according to LUDKE and ANDRÉ (2012) and biographical research in education (DELORY-MOMBERGER, 2012; 2016; 2019; 2021) and autobiographical (PASSEGGI, 2016), having as main focus the analysis of the oral narratives of young indigenous egresses from public universities, from different ethnicities. Such theoretical-methodological perspectives are articulated with the theory of the relationship with knowledge, regarding the epistemic and identity relationship with the subjects' knowledge with the world and with learning (CHARLOT, 1997; 2000; REIS, 2021). To understand the context in which the students are inserted, the documentary study will address the conceptions of world and education, the ancestral knowledge of four ethnic groups - Wassu Cocal, Xucuru Kariri, Koiupanká and Xocó - Luiz Gonzaga Vieira (2015), Kelly Emanuelly de Oliveira (2013), Luiz Sálvio de Almeida and Amaro Hélio Leite da Silva (2008, 2009, 2011) - of the indigenous students participating in the research. The self-narratives of five young indigenous university graduates will allow us to interpret the challenges experienced from their formative experiences in the academic world in dialogues or mismatches with their ancestral knowledge, which are fruits of what each one experienced from their subjectivities, singularities that are built throughout life (JOSSO, 2004) and in the university journey. We also bring in Freire (1981) regarding dialogicity in the horizontal relationship between men, where dialog is the center of the process and a fundamental condition for the real humanization that revolutionizes and frees. It is identified in this partial report that the autobiographical narratives analyzed constituted a rich material, in which the following components were highlighted: the relationship with the community and the university, the identity processes that are strengthened in a university with an intercultural program, the challenges experienced at the university., Thus, in the preliminary analyzes new questions are identified on the theme presented in this study.

Presidente - 1646580 - ROSEMEIRE REIS DA SILVA
Interno(a) - 1259499 - GIVANILDO DA SILVA
Interno(a) - 2217140 - VALÉRIA CAMPOS CAVALCANTE
Externo(a) à Instituição - EDSON HELY SILVA - UFRPE
Externo(a) à Instituição - ROSEANE MARIA DE AMORIM - UFPB
Notícia cadastrada em: 01/03/2023 15:03
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