Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 21/12/2023
TIME: 10:00
LOCAL: Sala de Reuniões 2 - LCCV

Applications of the synthetic aperture radar with persistent scatterers interferometry method for monitoring displacements in bridges.


Satellite Monitoring, Structural Health Monitoring (SHM); Structural displacements; Advanced technologies; Persistent Scatterers (PSInSAR); Structural safety.

BIG AREA: Engenharias
AREA: Engenharia Civil
SUBÁREA: Estruturas
SPECIALTY: Mecânica das Estruturas

With increased operating time and exposure to environmental conditions, many bridges have suffered from the appearance of pathologies, which emphasizes the importance of carrying out periodic inspections and maintenance with the purpose of ensuring structural safety. In this context, the adoption of sustainable practices and advanced technologies helps in the early identification of structural problems, which results in a reduction in repair and maintenance costs. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) makes it possible to continuously accompany and evaluate the behavior and condition of structures, assisting in decision making related to the need for maintenance and repairs. Most traditional SHM methods require the application of sensors directly to the structure to obtain information on structural performance, where in certain cases, due to the costs involved and the environmental conditions, the application of these techniques becomes unfeasible. In this way, the use of satellite images emerges as a good alternative to traditional SHM, allowing to measure displacements over time, without the need for direct contact with the structure. The present study aims to monitor displacements on two bridges using the Persistent Scatterer Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (PSInSAR) technique. Initially, the efforts are focused on validating the workflow used, comparing the results obtained with those available in the literature for a previously monitored bridge. To estimate the displacements field, a dataset from the Sentinel-1 mission was used. The results reveal that the use of PS-InSAR, for monitoring bridge displacements, presents a great potential, being possible to extract information that may indicate the need for direct interventions on the structure. In addition, the use of this method can promote a reduction in monitoring costs, when compared to traditional SHM methods, and provide information one the long-term behavior of the structure.

Presidente - 1640290 - WAYNE SANTOS DE ASSIS
Interno(a) - 1121075 - ALINE DA SILVA RAMOS BARBOZA
Externo(a) ao Programa - 3066903 - CHRISTIAN KOHLER - UFAL
Notícia cadastrada em: 11/12/2023 23:23
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