Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 07/05/2024
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: INSTITUTO DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS - https://meet.google.com/meu-fpgi-wan?pli=1&authuser=5

Teaching and Practical Sense: School Sociology and the Teaching of Ethnic-Racial Relations.


Sociology teaching, practical sense, habitus, field, ethnic-racial relations.

PAGES: 166
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Sociologia

The 20th century in Brazil was marked by disputes over rights among the black,indigenous, and white populations, who allied against eugenic ideologies, the myth of racial democracy, and whitening policies implemented by scientists, social scientists, educators, and politicians of the Brazilian elite, following the legal abolition of slavery in 1888, particularly in the first half of the 20th century. These conceptions endorsed eugenic ideas of racial, social, and cultural degradation, which pushed blacks (brown and black people) and indigenous people to the margins of society. Only with the end of the Brazilian military dictatorship at the end of the 20th century did the black and indigenous populations begin to see some results of their struggles materialized in the Brazilian educational field. Important resolutions and laws have been passed in recent decades, including the racial quotas law for black and indigenous students in
public universities, as well as the mandatory teaching of Afro-Brazilian (2003) and indigenous (2008) history and culture in basic education. The present research is inserted in the context of studies on the field of Sociology teaching, as it delves into the notion of habitus (Bourdieu, 1994; 1996; 2009, 2021) and practical sense (Bourdieu, 2009), associated with the teaching practice of Sociology teachers, seeking to go beyond purely school-related conditioning, since it aims to understand in what ways and driven by what aspects, objectives, and subjective, teachers respond to the daily challenges of teaching ethnic-racial relations in the field of school Sociology. To do so, two hypotheses are considered. In summary, the first is based on the notion that the sociabilities of teachers influence their educational
practices. The second hypothesis concerns the presence and approach to ethnic-racial issues in the field of school Sociology, as in this context, it is not always included as part of the curriculum, as determined by Laws 10.639/03 and 11.645/08, and when it is included, its teaching often assumes a tangential, essentialist, and/or discriminatory character. The theoretical-methodological perspective adopted was
Bourdieu's dispositionalist sociology, from which it was possible to analyze the dispositions of teachers, as well as the structures of the field of Sociology teaching, which operate to constrain teachers' practice, "forcing" them to act in a determined way, that is, leading them to "play" according to the rules of the "game" or to transgress them. Research data were collected through (i) in-depth interviews with ten teachers currently teaching Sociology, including both men and women; analysis of each teacher's syllabus; and analysis of the PPPs (Political Pedagogical Projects) of the schools where they teach. The analyses were carried out using the Multiple
Correspondence Analysis method, through which it was possible to map the positions of teachers in a given relational configuration, and to correlate them with supplementary variables associated with teaching practices and active variables associated with social properties stemming from the sociabilities of teachers. The results revealed, among other things, that those teachers with a greater volume of specific cultural capital (knowledge related to ethnic-racial issues) are also those who tend to have the highest academic qualifications; to be involved with social, political, and cultural groups; and to address the topic with moderate frequency. Conversely, teachers with higher levels of engagement with ethnic-racial issues are those who identify as black or brown people; who affirm that they have experienced racism; and tend to address the topic very frequently. From another perspective on the analysis of the results, it became evident that teachers tend to respond to everyday school situations in four ways. These are: through what we call: (i) Reflexive Effect of the habitus → field type; (ii) Coercive Effect of the field → habitus type; (iii) Tendential Effect of the field ⟷ habitus type; and (iv) Situational Effect of the field ⟷ habitus type.

Presidente - 2345685 - CRISTIANO DAS NEVES BODART
Interno(a) - 2265061 - WELKSON PIRES DA SILVA
Externo(a) à Instituição - IVAN FONTES BARBOSA - UFS
Notícia cadastrada em: 02/05/2024 17:53
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