Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 13/08/2021
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Webconferência
Peer Instruction and Computational Animations Applied to Gravitation Teaghing in High School


didactic sequence, teaching physics, active IPC methodology, computational animations

PAGES: 106
BIG AREA: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
AREA: Física

Currently, Physics Education has been adapting to new teaching models, the so-called active methods (or active methodologies), which enable greater interaction for the student's cognitive development. In addition to new methodologies, teaching also has new digital tools (computational technologies) that complement and assist the teaching-learning process in the classroom. In this perspective, this work aims to develop a didactic sequence that provides the Physics teacher with subsidies so that he can teach his classes with structured and contextualized material and significant content for the student's learning. This didactic sequence (which addresses content related to Gravitation) was applied in a full-time high school in the state public network, more precisely in the first series of high school. The application was made over four weeks in November 2019. Each week was made up of two meetings, the first in a class (each class had an average of 50 minutes) and the second in two classes. The present material is based on active methodologies, more specifically PeerInstruction (IpC) - Peer instruction and on digital technologies such as Computer animations, with respect to the National Education Guidelines and Bases Act of 1996 - LDB (Law 9.394 / 96) and NCPs. This document is also based on three pillars of theories of meaningful learning, the first is Jerome Bruner with his theory of learning by discovery (learning of the constructivist nature), the second Levi Vygotsky with his sociointeractionist model and the third is David Ausubel with his model of subsunitors (prior knowledge). Thus, this apparatus (method) was applied in the classroom and promising results were observed so that it was possible to build an appropriate educational product for the Physics teacher to have a significant performance in his activities from this material in relation to the theme (content) discussed here. Therefore, from the computational animations associated with the IpC methodology, it was possible to change the dynamics of the classroom making the teaching-learning process more effective and raising the student's motivation in this context.

Externa à Instituição - MARIA LÚCIA DE MORAES COSTA - UFPA
Interno - 2512735 - ELTON MALTA NASCIMENTO
Interno - 061.454.174-39 - FREDERICO SALGUEIRO PASSOS - CEFET-Al
Notícia cadastrada em: 12/07/2021 14:45
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