Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 13/07/2023
TIME: 16:00
University-government-company interactions through the intervention of the Support Foundation in the context of 
technological innovation at UFAL: survey of reality and proposal for standardization.


Innovation, Triple Helix, Alagoas, Standardization

PAGES: 121
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

The interactions between university-government-industry, which form the
internationally recognized model of the Triple Helix, have received significant attention
in the literature in recent decades and are widely disseminated in the productive sector.
However, there are other important structures, such as the Technological Innovation
Center and the Support Foundation, which act as intermediaries for efforts to ensure
that the innovation cycle occurs, but the Foundation can be considered as a less
explored object of study in this context. Support Foundations have historically enabled
several universities to carry out programs and projects in collaboration with external
actors, but the present work is restricted to the case of UFAL from the perspective of
its relationship with Fundepes, formalized by the Protocol of Intentions and Resolution
n. 39/CONSUNI/UFAL. Through research, an attempt was made to analyze the
interactions between UFAL, the government and the company carried out with the
intervention of Fundepes, within the scope of technological innovation. In addition, the
objective was to contribute to the design of a regulation that improves the existing
Protocol of Intentions and reconciles the national legal framework of innovation and
RD&I in force with the needs of that university. To this end, a theoretical and technical
survey was carried out through access to specialized literature and document analysis,
including the investigation, with a comparative character, of the regulations of other
federal universities in the Northeast to identify opportunities for improvement for UFAL.
It is also worth mentioning that a diagnosis was made of the projects contracted in the
years 2012 and 2021, executed by UFAL and supported by Fundepes, in order to
understand the types of interactions with the productive sector and how they are
characterized in demands for technological innovation. Through this analysis, the
university's capacity to execute RD&I projects and the prospects for expanding these
actions in the Triple Helix hypothesis were verified. The results contributed to the
identification of important points that needed greater attention during the structuring of
the regulations that could and be applied to the reality of UFAL, generating
opportunities for cooperation with the government and companies, as well as
supporting governance through institutional management.

Externo(a) à Instituição - ESTEVÃO FREIRE - UFRJ
Externo(a) à Instituição - FELIPE ROBERTO ELOI MOURA - Fundepes
Interno(a) - 5198835 - JOSE EDMUNDO ACCIOLY DE SOUZA
Presidente - 1670912 - PIERRE BARNABE ESCODRO
Notícia cadastrada em: 12/07/2023 12:35
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