Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 15/02/2023
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: Canal do YouTube PPGCI/UFAL

Silences of the necropolis: infomemorial and heritage traces of the Cemetery Nossa da Piedade in Maceió-Alagoas


Infomemorial vestiges. Information. Cemetery. Heritage. Memory.

PAGES: 150
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Ciência da Informação

This dissertation discusses the importance of infomemorial and heritage traces present at the Nossa Senhora da Piedade Cemetery, in Maceió, for the cultural and heritage memory of the city and Alagoas. The research problem asks: what are the existing practices at the Nossa Senhora da Piedade Cemetery in Maceió - Alagoas, based on its infomemorial traces, which ensure its recognition as cultural heritage by society? Its general objective is to analyze the infomemorial and patrimonial traces in the Cemetery in question. It addresses conceptual aspects about death over the centuries, as well as its relationship in art and religion, the different ways of dealing with this theme, including the academy. It presents the problem in the 19th century, when the imperial ban on burials in Churches and the construction of the first cemeteries, in Brazil and in Alagoas in the 19th century, when the epidemics of cholera and Spanish flu (Influenza) were attributed by hygienist medicine to burials in churches. It presents the concept of heritage and its relationship with memory, in addition to the difference between the study of memory in the context of History and its approach in Information Science. Brings the history of the N.S. da Piedade, the infomemorial traces present in the cultural assets formed by the tomb architecture, as well as the buried historical objects and personalities from Alagoas. This is a descriptive study with a documentary bias, a qualitative approach and of a basic nature. It uses field, bibliographic and documentary research as procedures, in addition to content analysis, observation and interview techniques. After the field research carried out, data collection via bibliographic and documentary sources, data collected in interviews with agents responsible for the physical structure and patrimonial integrity of the Cemetery and based on the theoretical references adopted, we responded to the research problem. The results show that, in the Nossa Senhora da Piedade Cemetery, the existing practices in terms of memorial and heritage preservation of funereal artifacts that carry in themselves important infomemorial traces for the memory of Maceió and Alagoas are still insufficient, as they do not disclose or disseminate the condition of Special Unit of Cultural Preservation (UEP) of the public Institution in an effective way, not contributing for it to be seen and recognized by the society beyond its primordial condition of place of burials. Finally, the work proposes to the municipal, state and federal heritage agencies, measures for the preservation and preventive conservation of the Cemetery N.S. da Piedade, as well as a more effective disclosure of its special status as a UEP, through a draft.

Presidente - 369.457.147-72 - MARIA DE LOURDES LIMA - UNESP
Interno(a) - 1323823 - EDIVANIO DUARTE DE SOUZA
Interno(a) - 558.856.322-00 - GUILHERMINA DE MELO TERRA - UNIPORTO
Externo(a) à Instituição - ANA CRISTINA DE ALBUQUERQUE - UNESP
Notícia cadastrada em: 31/01/2023 11:07
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