Study of new inflammatory biomarkers and their relationship with renal involvement in Systemic Lupus Erytheamsus.
Systemic lupus erythesus; Lupus nephritis; serum biomarkers; urinary biomarkers
Systemic lupus erythesus (SLE) is one of the most prevalent autoimmune rheumatologic diseases in the population, especially affecting young adults of economically active age.
The disease is characterized by the presence of multiple autoantibodies, compromising different organs and systems (FREIRE; SOUTO; CICONELLI, 2011). Individuals of all ethnic groups may be affected, being more common in black individuals. The disease predominantly affects women, with a rate ranging from 4 to 13 women for each man (PETRI, 2002).
The manifestations of the disease are heterogeneous, ranging from laboratory abnormalities detectable to inflammation and multiple organ failure (ARRIENS et al., 2017).
General constitutional symptoms such as asthena, fever and weight loss are common in SLE (HOCHBERGt al., 2016). Edermatological lesions are very frequent and polymorphous, involving skin, vessels and mucous membranes. Cutaneous vasculitis occurs in about 20-30% of patients and can cause nail damage, ulcerations, and gangrene of digital extremities. Joint involvement is common, preferably compromising metacarphalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, knees and wrists, usually symmetrically. Cardiovascular involvement is characterized mainly by a pancarditis.
There is evidence of clinical renal impairment in 50% of patients. In renal involvement by SLE can occur in several compartments including tubules, interstice, vessels and glomeruli, the latter being the most related to the symptomology in general presented by patients (MARKOWITZ; D'AGATI, 2009). Glomerular disease in SLE may present varying classes of severity with risk of death in some cases. Renal biopsy is the standard procedure used to assess the degree of activity and chronicity related to glomerulopathy. However, in some cases for technical and/or clinical reasons (e.g. increased risk of bleeding) this is not performed using in these cases of treatment based on clinical and laboratory markers already well established for evaluation of renal function such as serum creatinine and creatinine clearance in addition to the 24-hour urine protein dosage to conduct therapy (HOCHBERG et al., 2016; KLUMB et al., 2015). Thus, the evaluation of inflammatory biomarkers that may be related to the degrees of disease activity may be of great importance in the diagnostic and therapeutic arsenal aimed at the patient.