O NOVO ENSINO MÉDIO E A ALFABETIZAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E TECNOLÓGICA: o conhecimento de Biologia nos livros didáticos do PNLD/2021
Alfabetização Científica e Tecnológica. Ensino Médio. Livro Didático. Biologia.
Textbooks are widely used resources in basic education, including early childhood education, elementary school 1 and 2, and high school, whether in public or private schools. It is common to see teachers using textbooks to conduct pedagogical work. Several studies have been conducted to verify the importance of textbooks in schools, and authors have highlighted that textbooks can enhance the promotion of Scientific and Technological Literacy (ACT), depending on how the teacher uses the resource, since it is not enough for the textbook to contain content conducive to the development of ACT; it is necessary to conduct the class in such a way that this content is worked on to promote the development of ACT in students. The General Objective of the research is: To analyze the Natural Sciences textbooks, regarding the contents of Botany, Zoology and Genetics, inserted in the Biology contents that promote ACT, indicated by PNLD/2021 for the New High School based on the assumptions of ACT and the guidelines of the National Common Curricular Base - BNCC, in order to identify the possible relationships with the process of scientific and technological literacy of students. The Specific Objectives of the research: To investigate the presence of Scientific and Technological Literacy indicators in the analyzed works; To analyze the Biology contents in the Natural Sciences Textbooks, indicated by PNLD/2021 based on ACT indicators; To identify the aspects related to BNCC and Public Policies in relation to NEM related to Biology Teaching aimed at ACT. And also: Analyze the Alagoas State Curricular Reference – ReCAL for High School in order to verify whether the document presents subsidies for the scientific and technological literacy of students in Alagoas; Analyze the production of theses and dissertations found in the CAPES database, in the period from 2012 to 2022, comprising 10 years, with the theme of Biology textbooks; Analyze the PNLD Notice and the ACT approaches. It is a qualitative study, with a bibliographic, documentary and exploratory character, focusing on the Textbook. From the initial studies, we observed that with the Systematic Literature Review (RSL) carried out, it was evident that many scholars have chosen the theme, given the importance that the LD has in the educational process and the need to carry out research in the area to increasingly guide pedagogical work.