Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 17/02/2022
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: videoconferência pelo Google Meet

“Gender and Race: the confrontation movements in the life history of a black woman from Alagoas”


Black feminism; Support networks; Black women; Social Constructionism; Psychology.

BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Psicologia

 This research seeks to understand the coping strategies to deal with  situations experienced as stigmatizing, the impact of racism in the life story of a black woman,

through the narratives of her way of life, family, work, movements (black and feminist),
religion, identifying their support networks and in their experiences the contribution of social
and political movements in their trajectory, dialoguing with references of black feminism. The
life story focused on is that of Vanda Menezes, a black woman from Alagoas, a psychologist, a
militant of the black movement, a feminist and the first secretary for women in the state of
Alagoas. A woman active in the struggle for the rights of the black population through her
participation in social movements and political management places. Ethnic-racial studies and
discussions in Brazil have been acquiring space and making it possible to express other
narratives about the history of the black population, reinvigorating the debate on their social
condition and effective participation in the construction of Brazilian culture. The research is
characterized by a qualitative methodology that emphasizes the socially constructed nature of
reality, in which the researcher seeks to understand the issues that highlight the way in which
social experience is constructed and acquires meaning. It is based on the assumptions of social
constructionism that invites us to challenge the objective bases of conventional knowledge and
deconstruct the myths that can correctly and faithfully represent reality. The meeting and
dialogue with the interlocutor took place in a fluid and spontaneous way, guided by the
proposal to report her life story, her path, significant resources, support networks, which
helped and accompanied her in each context. Four aspects were highlighted for understanding
and analyzing the dialogue with our interlocutor: About Vanda Menezes: her life story,
highlighting her family, professional training and discussions on racial issues. Being a black
woman: discussion of racial identification, what it means to be a black woman and the
importance of black feminism in this process. The path to political participation and actions:
marks the beginning of their militancy, participation in management positions and the
importance of incorporating gender and ethnic-racial issues in the planning and execution of
policies. Strategies for coping with stigmatizing situations: building your support network and
coping strategies to deal with situations of daily oppression and violence, signaling the
articulation between subjective and collective resources. We understand the consequences of
black feminism as the need to counter the Eurocentric and mistaken view of society about the
black population, black women, mobilizing against racism and sexism in the search for equal
rights and opportunities.

Externa ao Programa - 1698417 - FLAVIA REGINA GUEDES RIBEIRO
Interna - 1646594 - SIMONE MARIA HUNING
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